reading time: 3 minutes

You type up that first online dating profile—second-guessing yourself the whole time. “What if no one reaches out?” “Am I coming across as desperate?” “This is dumb, I’ll just stay single.” You’re experiencing a completely normal human emotion—self doubt.

Let’s be honest. Reaching out can be scary. There have been times in my life when the possibility of rejection trumped my desire to reach a certain goal. Many companies experience this same struggle as they prepare to reveal social media marketing attempts.

Research shows that although the payoff of social media campaigns can be great, many companies have anxiety about jumping in and getting started. The same holds true with online dating. With these three simple tips, you will be on your way to finding the person/social media following of your dreams:

Be yourself, be authentic

Perhaps you’ve embellished your online dating profile just a bit. You claim to love running 5Ks and partying with your friends…when in reality you’d rather be nuzzled up on the couch with a good book. The goal of online dating is to find a person who understand the real you and sees value in what you have to offer. The same hold true for social media for business. Perfection is boring. Being authentic online will help you truly connect to potential customers and clients. Find a consistent voice, and stick with it.

Talk less, listen more

You’re sitting down to dinner with your new date and within the first five minutes you know everything about him/her—favorite food, mother’s maiden name, and every detail about that amazing trip to Costa Rica last year. He/she has yet to come up for air and ask a single question about your life. You immediately realize you’re in for a long night.

Don’t spew a constant stream of self-promotion through social media. I cannot stress this enough. Listening to your followers should be your first priority. Many companies get fooled into thinking that social media is a tool to let others know about what they sell or offer—but it’s a bit more strategic than that. Just like dating, social media is about building relationships. This requires a two-way street of communication. Take the time to really get to know who your followers are. Build their trust so that when you do make an offer, they won’t be able to resist.

Be patient

So many companies make the mistake of expecting dramatic results from their social media attempts within a short amount of time. If they haven’t met their goals within the first month, they forgo all attempts. But great things take time. You wouldn’t expect to find the person of your dreams after your first online date—and you can’t expect an army of followers the second you create your first Facebook post. Patience and consistency are perhaps the most important qualities to channel when building a following.

Maybe you go on a few casual dates, convert a Twitter follower into a customer, or build a lasting relationship. Regardless, you went for it. And putting yourself out there deserves a pat on the back.