reading time: 2 minutes

purple balloonsIt’s hard to believe it’s been two years since I launched Endurance Marketing! In these past two years I’ve met–and worked with — some amazing people. I’ve created partnerships and established new friendships that I’m grateful for every single day.

The business has grown from a one-person social media agency to a company that provides small to mid-sized business owners with the tools and strategies they need to create an effective online presence.

One of the most important lessons I learned very early in the business is to listen to my customers. The services we offer today reflect what we’ve learned and are designed with our clients – big and small – in mind. You can’t be everything to everyone. That’s a big lesson. To be the best, do what you do best.  Today, we have a team of people committed to helping us do what we do best. Every time.

And what do we do best?  We help clients connect with their best customers online and build relationships that last.

If you haven’t been here in a while, you’ll notice one of the big changes is our new branding and website redesign. Take a tour around and let us know what you think. We’re pretty pumped about the new look and feel and would love to get your feedback.

A big thanks goes out to the team: Nick, Dave, Courtney and Wendy. I don’t know where we’d be without you on our team!

They say the “joy of the journey is in the ride,” and I can tell you without a doubt that this journey has been a wild ride–with more to come!

Stay tuned to the blog to “see” how we celebrate turning two. Come along for the ride!