reading time: 3 minutes

Hitting a creative roadblock is inevitable when it comes to crafting content for your company’s website or blog. You realize that a content marketing strategy is important, but have lost focus and inspiration. You’re not alone. 47% of B2B marketers cite creating engaging content as their top content marketing challenge.

We’re here to fix that.

Here are 15 content marketing ideas to help you regain your creativity and focus:

1. Rediscover your target audience: the most crucial aspect of creating killer content is knowing exactly who you are attempting to appeal to. Even if you have already defined your target audience, it never hurts to freshen your perspective and dig deeper.

2. Sign up for Google Alerts: monitor what other people are saying about your company online, track keywords, and keep up with industry news. Your daily e-mail just may serve as inspiration for your next blog post.

3. Boost old blog content: do this by going through past blog posts and making sure each one fits into your content marketing strategy. Each post should include one, solid call to action.

4. Round up customer reviews: ask your followers and readers to submit reviews and any stories they’d like to share about their experiences with your product or service.

5. Step up your photo game: hire that professional photographer to come take high-quality photos of your product or your team in action.

6. Recycle your content: go through your past blog posts to see if you can bring the ideas back to life in your upcoming newsletter. Search through your Facebook posts for inspiration for your next video series.

7. Give an insider’s perspective: bring your readers into your office life and be as transparent as possible. Share employee updates, new product announcements, and inside jokes.

8. Find key influencers: discover key figures in your industry and interview them on important topics to share with your readers. Get the influencers to share your post on their social channels.

9. Write an eBook or Whitepaper: this gives you a great chance to take your content marketing to a deeper and more thorough level.  Channel your brand’s unique insights to create something that will get people talking.

10. Create an Infographic: consumers are extremely visual. Putting together a visual representation of a certain topic in your niche will help connect the right people to your brand.

11. Q & A: create a “Questions & Answers” series on your website or blog. This will allow common questions to be answered to give readers an even better understanding of your product or service.

12. Curate your content: share posts and ideas from other influencers that are relevant to your audience. Not all content should be directly related to sales and numbers. It’s just as important to keep your readers engaged and interested.

13. Connect your social media channels: sharing content across all of your social media channels is a great way to boost your reach with each piece of content. Be sure to edit content based on the site and space it out as to not be repetitive.

14. Create weekly or monthly email newsletters: if you haven’t already, now is the time to get an email campaign set in place to compliment your existing content marketing strategy. Keep your current and potential customers/clients informed and inspired.

15. Create a how-to video series:  make sure the video quality is high and that you share it across social channels and even on your website. Create some hype and split your video footage into a “how to” series.

We hope these ideas inspire you to take a more creative look at your content marketing strategy. When you hit a roadblock with your content creation—stop, regain focus, and always focus on quality over quantity. Which idea will you try first?