reading time: 1 minute

Which marketing message grabs your attention?

This video :


This brief description of the new product:

A new iPhone app known as Word Lens will translate Spanish or English phrases instantly on the screen when you point your device’s camera lens at the foreign language words.

I don’t even have an iPhone and I’m excited about this new app!

So what did Quest Visual do right?


  • Created a visual demonstration of the product, showing ease of use
  • Kept it short and simple (and used a real person!)
  • Showed us where to go to find out more
  • Had fun with it!

If you’re not using video to market your services online, you might want to reconsider. Video marketing is a great way to engage your audience, share your message, and show your “fun” side!

Here are some tools you can use to help get you started:

Flip Video
Windows Movie Maker