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Why are you still keeping content marketing in house? You’re worried – we get it. Your content represents your brand and it can be hard to let go of those reins. But you’ve got bigger fish to fry. Explaining your brand voice and approach is easier than you think. If you want better results, you need to get over the worry of handing off content marketing to a team and reap the benefits of outsourcing.

Here’s why you should have outsourced your content marketing long, long ago.

You need better results.

When you got the green light for a content marketing program, you were confident that you would see the benefits within just a short period of time. But here’s the reality: while you know everything about the company you work for, you may not know content. Your program need to produce results for the higher-ups so it may be time to tap into the wisdom of content marketing experts. While your team has the industry knowledge to generate ideas and offer insight, an outsourced content marketing team knows what works in today’s content marketing climate. And this alone can save you time — and help you generate those leads your boss wants to see as a result of your efforts.

Your in-house team is coming up empty.

At the start of a new content marketing effort, everyone is full of ideas. You’re getting guest posts from the top sales guy and even the CEO has taken a stab at a 500-word opinion piece. But content marketing requires ongoing effort, and fatigue is going to set in over time. What once was a river of ideas, trickles down to a small stream. Outsourcing to a content agency can take the pressure off your team and keep your content program on track.

You’re tired of playing catch up.

On the other end of the spectrum, you may have so many ideas that your in house team can’t keep up. While it’s completely normal for you to have periods of heavy workloads in your marketing department, constantly playing catch up is no way to do good work. Outsource content marketing so your in-house team can take a breather and focus on staying ahead of market trends.

You’re taking the wrong perspective.

Sometimes your expertise can come back to bite you. You aren’t trying to connect with industry professionals who know the jargon and technical terms you do. You’re talking to buyers who are less familiar – and your content marketing needs to speak at their level. Outsourced content marketing is an ideal solution because you get an outsider’s perspective on your industry and content that truly speaks to the pain points of your target audience.

Your social channels are falling flat.

A key piece of effective content marketing is promotion, but social media management takes time and effort. Without this key third step, you’re going to miss key objectives and make the C-suite wonder why they approved the content marketing initiatives to begin with. By outsourcing to a content marketing agency that can plan, create and promote content, you’ll be able to meet key objectives and make those social channels work for you.

You need to maintain quality control.

Not only does your content need to be grammatically correct, it has to incorporate key phrases, emotional resonance and a persona-oriented perspective. It needs to be engaging for the platform you’re posting on, and repurposed on other channels if possible. Frankly, you’ve got too much on your plate to do this effectively. Outsource and keep the quality high.

You are ready to look beyond words.

Content isn’t just the written word! Visual content, such as images, infographics and presentations, are getting big results in multiple industries. You know it’s time to expand your company’s definition of content, but you don’t want to start from square one. By outsourcing content marketing you can benefit from a firm’s expertise in visual content creation and engage your audience in new ways.

So what are you waiting for? You’ve wasted enough time already – go! Outsource your content marketing to save time, get better results and attract more buyers.