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why your social media is failing

You’re the marketing manager, the CEO of your own company, or an employee whose been given the daunting task of developing and maintaining a business’ social media presence. You’re running on empty and the last thing you want to do is find and post engaging content. We get it. Unfortunately, it shows.

By now, we pretty much all understand the importance of social media marketing for businesses. It is critical to building relationships with your customers and giving life to your brand. However, on a daily basis, I come across some pretty feeble marketing attempts made by some very successful businesses.

Here are 10 tips on what NOT to do (under any circumstance) on your business’ social media pages.


  1. Create accounts for every social page, and then never post on them.
    If you are going to take the time to create pages for your brand, make sure you make the time to add content.
  2. Post an image that has nothing to do with your brand.
    While the picture of the fuzzy kitten or adorable puppy may seem like a great idea to capture viewers’ attention, unless you are selling pet food, it’s probably not necessary.
  3. Beg for likes/retweets/shares.
    We’ve all seen it before… “LIKE this post if…” It is okay to use this tactic sparingly, but one time too many might just comes across as needy.
  4. Use lame stock photos.
    Every business should have original, high quality images of the product or service they sell. And if you have to use stock photography, pick something visually appealing.
  5. Be a Debby Downer/Negative Nancy.
    Don’t bring your viewers down with depressing content.
  6. Sound corporate, stuffy, and boring.
    Instead, sound informative, inviting, and human-like. Social media is your chance to develop a unique voice for your brand, and have a little fun.
  7. Upload low quality images.
    In my opinion, there is really nothing worse than this offense. For me, a low quality image equals a low quality company.
  8. Use too many hashtags.
    Just don’t. It’s embarrassing.
  9. Forget the reason for posting in the first place…interaction.
    Have you ever been in a conversation with a person who does all of the talking? Don’t be a loud mouth with your social media, be a good listener.
  10. Not have social media.It’s not too late.
    If you are hesitant about setting up business pages because you don’t know where to start, get some help!


Here’s my advice:

  • Have a plan
  • Keep it simple
  • Be genuine

Think about what your audience needs, and provide them with that. Information is more valuable than fluff. Most people can see right through the act. So find your voice, and deliver consistently. If you’re not even sure where to start, get some help!

Remember, you are a brand, with an important message to deliver to your potential/current customers. Don’t be lame…give the people what they want!