reading time: 1 minute I’m going to be completely honest here and tell you that it took me a while to get the hang of #Follow Friday (or #FF). Every Friday I saw thousands of people tweeting the #ff hashtag, and I knew I was missing something big. So what is #followfriday? For those who are new to Twitter– and still trying to wrap your brain around the #ff phenomenon–it’s not that difficult, as it turns out. Follow Friday burst onto the scene back in 2009, and since then it’s taken on a life of its own. Follow Friday IS basically what it says it is: #followfriday is a way to share your favorite twitter friends with the Twitterverse. You simply list the people, you want to recommend and put #followfriday or #FF in your update. (Be sure to use the # hashtag in your post ! It’s good practice to say something distinctive about the person or people you’re recommending. This will encourage others to follow your #ff friends. A noisy stream of hashtags are more likely to be ignored. Make it personal. Examples of #FF love: “Love these positivity posse #FF @juliarosien @johnlusher @etiquettepage” “#FF @TasteandSavor for healthy recipes and great wine tips!” I’ve also been known to send a Happy Friday shout out to my favorite Twitter friends. It’s just nice, right? Happy Friday awesome Twitter friends! #FF @LANSystems @gurnage @6DegreesContent @AnimalWelfareGa @incitedecisions @dwesterberg Twitter is about engaging, sharing, learning…so if you feel the need to share, be sure to include this dynamic marketing girl in your #FF list. You know the one… To take a peek at everyone’s #FF, go here. Share this:FacebookX