reading time: 2 minutes

I’m not extremely proud to admit this—but I love Taylor Swift’s new song. Usually I find her a bit overbearing and inauthentic, but this song totally changed my mind. The positive message and empowering anthem makes me smile and my heart is starting to soften for the (in my opinion) overexposed pop star.

What can we, as content marketers, take away from this?

1) Be Real

There is nothing more refreshing and appealing to an audience than when a brand is authentic and genuine. Rather than hiding behind the safety net of perfection, show your viewers who you really. Of course, you should present yourself in the best possible light to win business and clientele…but don’t be afraid to let people in.

Rather than obsessing over “branding” your company, think instead about simply conveying what your business truly is. Not only will this simplify things for you, it will also help your audience build a more authentic relationship with your brand. Are you bold, fresh, traditional, insightful, positive, etc? That’s great—show it! No matter what your brand’s true identity, embracing it is always better than putting on a show. Trying to be something you’re not is exhausting, so get real!

2) Keep Your Message Positive

Never underestimate the power of making your viewers smile or feel special. Although marketers can get caught up in their company’s goals and metrics of success, it’s important to regularly assess what you are providing for your target audience.

Does your content bring them value? Does it serve to inspire and empower?

These are great things! Don’t forget, content marketing is different from traditional marketing because it is so consumer focused. Rather than putting out overbearing messaging that interrupts your audience’s life, you are making it better! Try to return to the basics and always keep in mind why you started in the first place.

3) Don’t Let the Haters Get to You

Like Taylor says, “The haters gonna hate, hate, hate.” Let’s face it—no matter how real and positive we are, there will be people who don’t respond well to our brand’s message. That’s okay! While some negative comments can help us grow, try not to dwell for too long.

And finally, when in doubt, break into a happy dance party. Seriously. Step away from the desk, put on some music, and shake it off. It will feel great.