reading time: 3 minutes

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 10 years since I launched this company. Taking a leap of faith — and leaving my (safe) corporate job — I hung up my shingle and honestly, I haven’t looked back since the day I hammered that nail into the sign.

Now, that’s not to say that I didn’t spend every waking moment for six or more months prior to jumping ship wondering what the hell I was thinking. Going out on my own was scary stuff. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, worst-case-scenarios haunting my slumber. The what-ifs were flying those months, weeks, and days prior to handing in my notice and closing the door on the safety of a weekly paycheck.

But here I am, 10 years later. And I couldn’t be happier with the decision to take a chance on myself.

In the early days of Endurance Marketing, I had a few (amazing) clients who, essentially, kept the lights on. I helped them with their social media; wrote blogs for their website; and helped them create an online presence that garnered them more traffic and ultimately, more customers. I am so grateful to those first Endurance Marketing clients. Not only did they provide me with the steady income I needed to grow my business, but they were instrumental in helping me shape my business into what it is today.

It’s one of those scenarios where you learn what it is you DO want to do once you determine what it is you DON’T want to do.

When I started, there was a laundry list of services I provided to clients. Short of taking their clothes to the cleaners, I was saying YES to most of the requests that popped into my mailbox.

Need a website built? Sure, I got you.

Post twelve blog posts a day to your Drupal site because you don’t know how to use Drupal? Sure. I can learn Drupal. I got you.

Try to figure out what that password is on the website you got locked out of in 2010? Why not? I can probably figure that out. I got you.

Seriously, it was all great. And all part of the experience. (Plus, I actually did learn a lot about Drupal.) But through the years, I’ve also learned to focus my business on what I do best.

I’m a writer. I love writing. I love words. I love editing words. I love sharing what I know about how good writing can help a business. I believe in the power of content.

It was about year three in the business that I had this lightbulb moment, about my passion for writing. I slimmed down the menu of services I offered, reshaped my company’s message, and began the journey of providing quality content as a primary service offering. From big content, like thought leadership articles and ebooks, to shorter content like blogs and social media content, I began the shift.

Since that day, I’ve worked with so many amazing clients across so many different industries, and it’s been an incredible experience. I’ve built lasting relationships and I’m forever grateful to each one of my clients for helping me to reach this milestone.

I also work with the best team of writers, who understand the importance of providing the highest quality of content to our clients, all the time. Thank you, team!

So, Happy Birthday Endurance Marketing! Ten years. Wow.