reading time: 3 minutes

I’m kind of a nerd. I like to read books about social media marketing. This month, I treated myself to a new one called Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk. I really appreciated his fresh, no-nonsense perspective on telling stories via social media. The second chapter—the best chapter in my opinion—is called “The Characteristics of Great Content and Compelling Stories.” Great content is kind of our thing here at Endurance, so this especially stood out to me. Here are the author’s six rules for outstanding content:

It’s Native

Native content is the kind that viewers don’t even notice as being out of the ordinary. It blends seamlessly into whatever platform they’re using. To provide great content, it’s crucial to study up on the best practices for each individual platform.

It Doesn’t Interrupt

Gone are the days when a pop up ad effectively draws in the consumer and delivers results. People’s patience is waning, and we need to adjust our strategy to match. Rather than interrupting our viewer’s social media experience, become one with it. Entertain them. Prove to them that you understand their needs.

 It Doesn’t Make Demands—Often

This is one of the major points of the book. Think of it like boxing—throw three jabs (offering your viewers useful or entertaining content). Then, go for the right hook. Be direct and make the sale. Obviously marketing would serve no purpose if you didn’t ever ask the viewer to take some sort of action. It’s important to provide value first.

 It Leverages Pop Culture

It’s important to stay current with what’s going on around you. Things are changing, and it’s crucial to make your viewers feel like you are one of them. Your content must blend in with the “pop culture candy” they crave.

It’s Micro

Slow and steady really does win the race when it comes to social media marketing. Content isn’t about massive attempts to gain attention anymore. It’s small messages that all add up to make your brand. Responding to someone on Twitter is in fact content. An appealing image on Pinterest is a representation of your brand.

 It’s Consistent and Self-Aware

Every post will build your brand’s unique identity whether you like it or not. If you remain consistent, people will really get to know the real YOU. Your message should be easy to identify, as it should be represented in everything you post. I think Vaynerchuk nailed it. The list is a perfect representation of what great content means today. If I could add one thing to my personal list, it would be this—it inspires people. Why are people viewing content in the first place? With most social media channels, they don’t really have a choice. But to make that true connection with your consumers, you have to inspire them. Inspiration comes in many forms. I’m inspiring you right now to learn the ins and outs of great content. Nike inspires us to push our bodies to the limit and to “just do it.” I truly believe in the power of making someone smile, or making a person feel like they can do anything. All content should be powerful in this way. No matter what your end-goal, applying these six rules to your marketing campaigns will most definitely help. Do you have anything you would add to the list?