reading time: 3 minutes

Not enough time to find new and interesting content to share with your audience? You’re not alone!

With so much content posted online, every minute,  you can literally spend hours sifting through content looking for something of value to share with your fans and followers. And we know “ain’t nobody got time for that.”

So, to save you valuable time, here’s the scoop on my three favorite tools to use to find good content for us and for our clients.

#1 Prismatic

This one is my all-time favorite way to find content. Prismatic has no human editors. It’s a page that is governed entirely by software that, over time, adapts to you based on your interests and behavior. It scours Web for all the stories that are most likely to interest you based on some internal machine-learning algorithm (and that’s about as technical as I will get on that) and serves it up on a very snazzy-looking Pinterest-style page.



Essentially, it’s a SMART tool. And after you use if for a few days, you’ll see just how smart.

To get started, visit – or download it to your iPhone or iPad — and it will ask you to sign up using your Facebook, Twitter or Gmail account. Yes, you’re giving them permission here, so definitely something to keep in mind if that’s an issue for you, you might want to skip to #2 on my list. Once signed up, the learning has already begun and you’re presented with a page that has content that Prismatic thinks you might be interested in–along with a side rail of topics and relevant people to follow.

You can follow topics and specific websites and blogs. Just type in a topic, like “social media” into the search bar at the top and click on the + sign to follow. Then, it will start gathering and feeding you more of those topics.


By starring, tweeting, or saving a story for later, you’re giving Prismatic a virtual green light to add this to your “feed.” and you can be sure the site’s algorithm is marking that story with a proverbial yellow highlighter.

So, this is where I go every morning and I can see that the longer I use is, the more Prismatic “gets me.” Kind of creepy, in a way, but it saves me so much time — and I really love the way it’s laid out.

#2 Feedly

I subscribe to countless blog posts and some I visit every day and others I catch up on when I can. Because there is no way I could keep track of all of them through email, an RSS reader is the way to go. And with the recent demise of Google Reader, I use Feedly to collect and organize all of my blog subscriptions.


Feedly updates every time you open it up so that the most recent blog content shows up right away–keeping you on top of the hottest topics.

Click on an article and it opens up for you to read, save for later, add to Pocket (another favorite of mine)and share it through social media or email.


What’s even more awesome is that it plays very nicely with my favorite social media management tool, Sprout Social and I can review and post directly from there. Talk about time management.

sprout social

#3 Scoop it

I haven’t used this in a long time — because of the above — but is a great tool for finding and curating content.  You just join,  create boards around your favorite topics, and on then on those boards you add links to content you find relevant to those topics.

Follow other boards of people who are looking for content that could be relative to your interests. The key here is to seek our really great curators of regular content. Yes, have them do the work for you. Then, scoop it.

scoop it


Finding and sharing interesting, relevant content is a huge part of social media. How do you manage it? What tools do you use to find good content to share?